Thursday 30 June 2011

UFO Sighting over Caper Verde, Scandinavia on June 5 of strange orbs flying over down town, video.

UFO Sighting over Caper Verde, Scandinavia on June 5 of strange orbs flying over down town, video.

Date of sighting: June 5, 2011
Location of sighting: Cape Verde, Scandinavia

Take a look at this video sent into us. In the video you see several UFOs hanging in the night sky above the buildings. Watch the lower one that is making loops above the building. No way this is normal aircraft. Sure they could be helicopters, but helicopters are really loud and three of them would be heard for sure. Also helicopters do not often do military maneuvers at night. Amazing catch all together and a helicopter so close the the building, meters above it doing loops…not going to happen.

☯ Please help us by reposting our posts on your site. Report a UFO at Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” ☯

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